4 Gym Bag Grooming Essentials For Your New Year's Fitness Goals

Every year, New Year’s resolutions produce two types of men: the action takers versus the talkers. 

And while we hope you aren’t part of the latter, we’ve noticed that a common goal for most men includes getting in shape. 

Don’t get us wrong, the idea of having a healthier lifestyle is dope. But it wouldn’t be right if we let you put that new gym membership to use without discussing the most important part of exercising: your post workout grooming routine. Here are four grooming basics to bring along for your next post gym grooming routine -- plus, they all have a compact size so they fit perfectly in your gym bag or our Men’s Dopp Kit.

Beard Balm

We’re always putting you on game to the importance of staying hydrated. And that rule holds no less value when it comes to your post gym grooming routine. Pay extra attention to your beard post workout by using any one of our beard balms to infuse, hydrate, and nourish both your mane and the skin beneath it.

Purifying Face Wash

After working up a sweat, there’s a good chance your pores are clogged. Bring the Purifying Face Wash along with you and cleanse your face of excess build-up with warm/hot water. Be sure to follow up by washing your face with cold water to close your pores before you step outside the gym.

Body Butter

The last thing you want to deal with when leaving the gym is dry skin. And we’re not just talking about your face. After you shower, tackle all the drying regions that need moisture with our Body Butter. It’s sure to nourish your skin with well-deserved care without the greasy feel.

Styling Paste

After an intense session, you never want to overdo your hair. Keep things simple with our Styling Paste -- a small amount goes a long way so be sure to work it into your hair for a lightweight hold and natural look.